The Next Frontier: Advocacy

While I wasn’t a fan of Star Trek, I do remember the opening of the show. “Space, the final frontier . . . To go where no man has gone before.”

How does this relate to a weekly leadership blog?

As school leaders, we now have a new frontier that we are obligated to go and we may have never gone there before. The next step is advocacy. This includes reaching out and making sure our voices are heard at the local and state levels with our elected officials. While you have to protect yourself within district guidelines and policies, you are a citizen that is allowed to speak to elected officials.

The narrative about public education right now is unacceptable, unfair, and frankly, untrue. If we have learned anything recently, it is that people believe anything that is on social media, CNN, Fox News, or The View.

We have to share our voice!

If this sounds daunting, let me give you a few easy steps to get started.

1) Google "Who represents me?" Send those elected officials an email(never use your school email) and introduce yourself.

I use this script, "My name is Todd Bloomer and I currently reside in your district. I would like to thank you for your service to our district. I would like an opportunity to meet you and discuss public education. While I work for a school district and have a unique insight, I do not speak for the ISD. I speak as a citizen of District _____. If you is not available, could I meet with your policy staffer on public education?"

2) When meeting with the staffer or elected official, always be polite. Nothing is accomplished by screaming, yelling, or threatening. The approach that I take when meeting with a staffer or elected official is the same approach I take when I meet with anyone. Everyone deserves respect.

I have found that looking for areas that we both agree upon is the starting point for any discussion. This approach has been successful, even with officials that do not see eye-to-eye with me.

3) Advocacy is a long game. You are forging relationships with officials with a goal of becoming a resource for them. The ultimate goal is for the elected official to reach out to you for insight on a bill.

4) Always thank the elected officials with a follow up note of appreciation.

Raise Your Hand Texas is an organization that advocates for public education. It is funded by Charles Butt, the owner of the grocery chain HEB. They write and share a newsletter that keeps citizens updated on what is going on in Austin, among many other things. I highly recommend the newsletter.

Do you realize that if educators voted as a block, we would control every election? We wouldn't have to beg for a pay raise or the respect that we deserve. If you do nothing else this year with advocacy, please ensure that you vote in every local, state, and national election.

I have been listening to a lot of Willie Nelson in the last few weeks. He has one of the most recognizable voices of anyone I have ever heard before. He also is one of the only singers and songwriters who puts his stamp on anything he does. From his original work to the songs he covers, they are unmistakably his! Think about that. Anything he touches is recognized as his. Nobody has to think, "Is that Willie, or is Florida-Georgia Line?" (I have never heard a Florida Georgia Line song.) Just FYI on that.

In our leadership, are we recognizable? Are the folks you lead left guessing, wondering, or confused ? I encourage you this week to think about the presence you have at work and the recognition factor you bring or don’t bring!

If you are the an administrator, I encourage you to become a member of your state organization. In Texas, the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals is an example of an organization to join. TASSP provides amazing professional development, resources, a network of caring leaders, and liability insurance. TASSP also hosts a wonderful summer conference that brings in top notch nationally known speakers, but also have break out sessions from our peers.

I am active in TASSP and host an our Regional Meeting twice a year. Our organization depends on leaders that volunteer their time to help continue the tradition of excellence.

Please take some time and check out their website. I am here if you have any questions.

Three random thoughts —

1) Has anyone ever seen the movie Strange Brew with Bob and Doug McKenzie? If you have seen it, have you ever been able to not talk like them for days after watching the movie? “Take off you hoser!”

2) Rapper Nas has a song called U.B.R. In the song, he teases the audience of a follow up song regarding another rapper, KRS-1. Did he ever produce that track?

3) Is Shohei Ohtani the next Babe Ruth? Our generation has never seen a player that is a dominant pitcher and slugger? If you are not following his season, you might want to check out what he is doing as we might not see this for another 100 years.

Our jobs are difficult and lonely. But it does not have to be. If you need anything, I am there for you. Just reach out and we can visit face to face or jump on a Zoom call to discuss any issues or concerns. We are all in this together.


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