Encouragement & Coaching.

I have started running again. For those of you that have seen my running style, you might challenge that assertion. For me, I will never be mistaken for an Olympian runner and I am perfectly fine with that. I am building the habits of a runner and that includes picking one foot up and putting the other down in his hot San Antonio humidly.

This morning, I set out for a three mile run. I am almost up to running it without stopping and today I was determined to do just that. While I didn’t make my goal, I was pretty close.

About 2 miles into the slow jog, I was ready to quit and walk home. I was covered in sweat and I was questioning my sanity. It was already 85 degrees and it wasn’t even 9 AM yet. As I lumbered in front of a truck, I noticed the passenger waiving to me. She rolled her window down and yelled my name. The genuine excitement to see me and the smile was just what I needed.

I ran over, slapped her hand and said hello. I told her that her joy in seeing me was what I needed to finish the run. She said, “I am proud of you and proud that you are out here running. Keep it up!”

Her feedback was specific (she was proud of my effort and proud I wasn’t giving up). Her feedback was positive (keep it up) and her optimistic smile was the feedback that made me rethink my running that morning. I wish I could say that I finished the last mile without stopping, I didn’t, but I plan to tomorrow.

On the run home, I started to think about my students that will be returning to my campus in the Fall. We have identified a large group of students for mentorship. These are students that are off track for gradation for a variety of reasons. Every campus has this group of students.

I thought about the feedback that this group receives, especially on my campus and from me. While I consider myself Professor Positive, am I what these students need, at the moment they need it, like the young lady was on my run this weekend?

We all talk about meeting students where they are at, but if you have ever heard Principal Kafele speak, you know that he adds something to that statement.

“Are you willing to meet students where they are at, as they are?

This Fall, I will focus on the specific encouragement that I give to students and staff. Just like the young lady was there for me when I needed it, I want to do the same for my community.

Realty TV.

Has anyone seen the Amazon TV show Jury Duty? If not, it is worth the time.

Watching the show makes me think about our jobs in education. What would this show look like on your campus?

The show has me thinking.

How many people actually know what our job as school leaders actually entails? With the negative narrative in social media and at the neighborhood pool, I would say that most people have no clue to what we are actually doing.

I am working a project that hopefully will change that. Over the course of the year, I have assembled a group of school principals that will share their journey through a shared journal. I am still looking for a few principals to join this project. If this peaks your interest, reach out to me.

And if a producer wants to create a show like Jury Duty with me . . . . I’m down.

If you have not heard Joe Sanfelippo speak, he is a must follow. The recently retired Superintendent from Falls Creek, Wisconsin (Go Crickets), truly believes in moments. As a building principal, how are you ensuring that your interactions meet this high standard?

Relevant Professional Development

Principal Kafele’s Saturday morning live professional development is fire. He is live at 10 AM (CST) every Saturday. His voice is relevant and real. He challenges and makes you think. He has wonderful guests and his PD is exceptional for current leaders, both assistant principals and principals. I highly recommend it,

Darrin Peppard. Darrin is a recovering high school principal, a blogger, podcast host, a principal coach, and a motivational speaker. You can follow Darrin at @darrinmpeppard and I highly recommend his podcast.

Has anyone watched Netflix show Quarterback yet? If not, it is must see. The show follows Patrick Mahomes, Marcus Mariota, and Kirk Cousins during for the 2022-23 season.

Kirk Cousins, a top quarterback, has a performance coach. He has someone that he can talk with, someone he can process decisions, choices, and his thoughts. If Kirk Cousins needs someone to talk with, shouldn’t every principal have someone that they can talk with?

(Sidebar — how can you not love Kirk Cousins? He is us, the guy shops at Kohls and dives a minivan)

I would be honored to be your coach, someone you bounce ideas off, or someone that will just listen to your concerns and remind you that you are not alone. While I don’t have all the answers, I have a Rolodex of colleagues that can speak to any issue or concern.

When I leave the principalship, I want to serve as a principal coach, While I still have a handful of years left, I would like to beta test my skills. Feel free to reach out to me @bloomer_sa on Twitter, @yankeetodd78216@gmail.com, or Todd Bloomer on LinkedIn.


The Next Frontier: Advocacy


When it rains at the beach.