Todd Bloomer

Born and raised in the great state of New York, Todd Bloomer grew up in the home of two educators that instilled a love of education in him from an early age. Seeking adventure and his passion for athletics, he ventured to Houston, Texas.

Not only did Todd Bloomer begin his educational career in Texas, he met his wife, Sharon. They moved to San Antonio, Texas and raised five wonderful children who have had the privilege of attending school with their father. With a varied background and experiences in both middle school and high school, Todd has gained unique and invaluable perspectives within the educational field.

In 2014, he took the principalship at Bradley Middle School where he honed his craft of fostering a family like atmosphere on the campus. In 2019, he was promoted and given the honor of leading the flagship school in his district, Winston Churchill High School to further expand his influence and impact. Both campuses that he led have allowed Todd to develop #theblueprint to administrative success.

An passionate advocate of student voice, Todd builds systems to allow students to have a voice and a say in their education. He also realizes the critical role that teachers play and strives to create an atmosphere where staff members feel supported in their own professional growth.

Always believing that administrators should serve, Todd is an active member of the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals and Raise Your Hand Texas. These professional organizations allow Todd to stay current with educational practices and allow him to network with leaders from across the country.

Todd is an active blogger and is set to release his first book early in 2024. #theblueprint is an eagerly awaited book that promises to provide valuable strategies for leaders. This insight will help leaders make the positive difference they seek to have on their communities.

Outside of work, Todd enjoys spending time with his family and friends. On weekends, you can catch him and his wife exploring the wonderful city of San Antonio in search of a good piece of pizza, a great pretzel, or a hamburger.