Structures and Systems

As I have documented on social media and written about in my blog, I have started my running journey again. Running is the ultimate individual test. It’s you vs the road or path.

Honestly, runners like me have the deck stacked against me. Besides being out of shape (Ha), I live in South Texas. It’s hot 8 months out of the year. I am a high school principal and don’t have any extra time in my day. My son steals my socks, I can’t find my shorts in the morning, my ear buds are not charged… the list could go on.

It is amazing that I even get out on the path some mornings.

This morning, I ran 3 miles and felt really good after the run. I set a goal to run 3 miles (or more) every Sunday morning. In order to do that, I realized that I need to put some structures in place to ensure that I am successful.

This starts with ensuring that I have good running shoes (HOKA are you listening?) and my shorts, shoes, and shirts are washed and ready throughout the week. I need to ensure that my ear buds are charged each night and that I am running throughout the week to ensure that my endurance is ready for the Sunday challenge.

If I put these structures and systems in place, I have a better opportunity to be successful.

During my run, I stopped and took this photo, I had been in the habit of snapping photos of the paths I was running to document my journey. This photo was different because of the rail that was on the right hand side of the path. As I approached and looked down, I realized that the railing was there to prevent me from falling off the path, as the area was rocky, steep, and dangerous.

I then started thinking about the structures and systems that we were working to put in place for this academic year. What railings did we need to ensure that we were able to be successful? What did I have in place for times when it was rocky and dangerous?

When I got home, I started crystallizing my structures. . . . what are my railings?

1). I will utilize my secretary to schedule time in my day to ensure that tasks are completed. This includes times to observe teachers in the classroom, participate in PLC meetings, and spend time with students both formally and informally.

2). I will schedule time to walk classrooms with my assistant principals, instructional deans, and invite member of central office to do the same. Our goal is to have a team that is fully calibrated for our classroom observations. I have already sent out the calendar invites to ensure this happens.

3). This week, I will schedule my one-on-one meetings with all of my employees. I stole this practice from Jimmy Casas and have used it at the beginning and end of each year. This structure allows me to seek voice from every staff member and allows for the staff to get to know me. I send out a few questions prior to the meeting and allow the staff member to pick which question they want to answer. If you have not done this, it is well worth the time and provides a structure to seek teacher voice and input.

4) While we already meet each week to discuss students at leadership meetings, this year our leadership team targeted twenty students each that we knew needed to keep our eyes on from day one. Hoping to add rails to this list, I created a google sheet with check points that we could document to remind us for our focus.

5). All of our leadership team meetings begin with writing a thank you card to a staff member. I wanted to write more letters and did occasionally throughout the year. This year, my secretary will place five cards on my laptop on Tuesday mornings. She will pick them up from me at the end of the day and place them in the teacher’s boxes. If I don’t get five written on Tuesday, she will place the unwritten cards back on my laptop the following morning.

6). I will schedule a cup of coffee with my curriculum Assistant Principal, lead counselor, PTA President, and my athletic coordinator once a month. These are important and key members of our school community and by establishing this structure, we will have a better chance to to ensure that the flow of communication is clear and we are on the same page.

Last week, I challenged my learning network to become more involved in the legislative process in their community and state. On Saturday, I attended a candidate forum that was held in a neighboring school district. Their panel had three current superintendents and three elected officials. The two hour panel could have been 4 hours or more. I loved the passion from the panel and based on the audience’s applause, everyone else did also.

Two groups, Raise Your Hand Texas and RootED co-hosted the panel. Both groups are pro-public school organizations that advocate for us — educators. While the panel was really well attended, I wish more of the people I work with in South Texas were there.

I firmly believe that advocacy begins with us. While I will never begrudge anyone for not attending a weekend event, I have to do a better job of painting a picture of urgency. When people realize the urgency, they will join in the efforts.

I want to share two statements that were made from the panel and kind of let them sit there to ponder.

“The state of education right now is a public health crisis”

“Advocating for ALL children in public schools is the next civil rights movement”.

If you want to get more involved, here is a way to start.

Three Random Thoughts

1) I am reading Killers of the Flower Moon. This true story is going to be a movie produced by Martin Scorsese. The book details the rise of the FBI and J. Edgar Hoover in the investigation into the killing of over 20 members of the Osage Tribe that lived on land that was home to tremendous amounts of oil. The oil was worth millions and millions of dollars. It is an excellent read and I hope the movie is as good as the book.

2). I can’t wait for football to start again, Think about this — the NFL has a Thursday night game, we have high school football on Friday nights, Saturday is filled with football, Sunday is reserved for the NFL and we have Monday Night Football — we waiting around all day for that, right? ESPN started showing some Tuesday night college games, leaving Wednesday as the only night without football. Good thing I like Chicago Fire and Chicago PD that are on Wednesday nights!

3). I got a new tattoo this weekend.

I am here to help anyone this year. We are all in the same boat as educators and if we all rowed in the same direction, we could accomplish everything and anything. Often times, we are row in varying directions and it creates issues and concerns.

If you need help, support, or advice, please feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or X (Will people call it that?) @bloomer_sa , Todd Bloomer on LinkedIn or you can email me at

Let’s make this a great week!


When a school has to pick up the pieces


The Next Frontier: Advocacy