When it rains at the beach.

I needed this vacation.

I needed to see the sun rise over the Gulf of Mexico and I needed to hear the waves crashing on the shore. As a high school principal in the great state of Texas, I have been on the go since last July. I needed to unplug.

Each year, we load up the family truckster and head to South Padre Island, Texas.

On day one it rained. It sprinkled and we had moments of incredible down pours. Any break in the action, we hustled to the beach only to get caught in the rain again.

But. I needed the rain also.

I sat on the balcony and listened to the waves crash against the shore. I listened to various versions of A Pirate Looks at 40 (Dave Mathews, Jack Johnson, and Tim Reynolds version is the best) and opened up two books that had been on my night stand for most of the school year.

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and ReCalibrate by Jimmy Casas.

I had picked up both books on any random evening last year and read for a few minutes before falling asleep. It had nothing to do with the book but the fact that I was exhausted from the year.

I needed the rain.

This summary does not do justice to the books but here goes . . .

The Four Agreements are four basis principles on how to live a better life. You can read the book in one sitting but the information contained within the 100 pages is heavy. I found myself putting the book down, starring into the Gulf of Mexico and pondering what I just read.

As a school leader, the agreements speak directly to our work.

“Be Impeccable with your word”

“Don’t take anything personal”

“”Don’t make assumptions”

“Always do your best”

Does this book have the potential to make you a better person? A better spruce? A better parent? A better leader? Absolutely!

Last year, without knowing it, I implemented “Don’t make assumptions” into my core values as a leader.

When I saw a student in the hall without a pass, instead of confronting and assuming they were doing something wrong, I inquired with a friendly smile. When a teacher was late to a faculty meeting, instead of labeling them as someone who didn’t care, I inquired with them and assumed the best.

While some students or staff members might have gotten one over on me with this approach, it built trust, kindness, and support amongst the students and staff.

As for the other three agreements, I could write about them, but I would love to hear your thoughts and/or takes.

I made a post on Twitter about the book and didn’t realize the reaction that I would receive from others who swear by this life changing book. You can follow me @bloomer_sa on Twitter

I switched gears prior to lunch and opened up Jimmy Casas’ newest book. I have been a huge fan of Jimmy since he was a building principal in Iowa. I have had the privilege of hearing him speak and he observed me lead a leadership meeting and gave me feedback.

His book is a home run and probably his best book yet!

Jimmy speaks from the heart. His voice rings loud and clear as you highlight and agree with everything written on each page.

My biggest takeaway were the protocols that Jimmy shares to help leaders build the culture we seek on our campus. Nothing good happens on a campus if left to chance.

Last year, I took great pride in soliciting student voice in my decision making. But after reading ReCalibrate, I now question if I was truly giving all students a voice?

This school year, I will utilize the implement the protocols clearly outlined in the book to solicit voice from all.

Jimmy has a wonderful podcast called The Interview Chair, I highly recommend it.

“Are you sure?”

Have you heard either the Willie Nelson original version of this song or the remake he did with Kacey Musgraves?

Both are unique and I encourage you to give them a listen. The song challenges you to, “Look around you, look down the bar from you, at the faces that you see. Are you sure this is where you want to be. These are your friends, but are they real friends. . . .” (I hope you didn’t hear my voice but Willie’s voice instead)

The words made me reflect on my leadership journey this week.

Who is in your circle of influence? Who are you spending your time with? Who is feeding you on your leadership journey?

As Willie and Kasey both did, I encourage you self examine where you want to be in the next chapter of your life with who you are surrounding yourself with.

I created my own daily planner last week.

Has anyone ever done that before? While I use Outlook and Google calendar to keep my appointments, meetings, etc. I still needed something for my day-to-day note taking. The planner has everything that I could think of to help keep this high school principal focused on what matters. I have a few people that have agreed to pilot it for me and I look forward to their feedback. I could use your help here.

What do you need in your daily paper planner? What reminders would be helpful? Do you think reminders about personal health and fitness are important? What about scriptures? Quotes?

I call the planner #theblueprint to my organization. This after my soon to be released book called #theblueprint.

I can’t stop playing around with Canva. Anyone else going or have gone down that rabbit hole? What is your go to on Canva?

Every Sunday, I am committing to sharing my leadership thoughts and journey with the world. I would love to bring you along on this journey. We are not in this alone and leaning into the struggle is real.

I am always available to talk through an issue, listen to your concerns or dilemma, and reassure you that you are not alone. You can message me on Twitter @bloomer_sa , LinkedIn @ToddBloomer or email me at yankeetodd78216@gmail.com and we can set up a time to visit.

Have a great week!


Encouragement & Coaching.


Groundhog day.