Sometimes the weather is just the weather.

Recently, I came across a post by author Ryan Holiday that I can’t stop thinking about lately.  

Essentially, he said that not everything said or posted deserves a response.  AND, “Sometimes the weather is just the weather.”

Read that again.  “Sometimes the weather is just the weather.”

This is such a profound statement and one that could affect our job as school leaders.  
I have found myself in a funk throughout October.  I have allowed criticism to get inside of me and affect my demeanor.  I allowed the weather to be more than just the weather.  I was reacting to everything that was said about me.

Our society has become so polarized.  If an elected official says one thing, we react with outrage.  We interpret and read into Facebook posts.  We look for passive aggressiveness and then react to it.  We have incidents of road rage because we assume they are out to get us.  I almost think we enjoy being angry at someone.  

But do we have to always respond to everything?  Can we ever get to a point where we say, “Who cares?” And move on. Do we honestly care about an irrational person’s opinion of us?

Could the weather just be cold?  Could a statement just be a statement?  Could the car that cut you off just have been trying to change lanes?  Could the parent that is yelling at us just be taking their frustrations out on us because of something at home and nothing that we actually did?  

Could the weather just be the weather?  Could the secret to our happiness be that easy?  

This week, I am going to look for opportunities not to respond to everything that I see, hear, or are sent..  I am going to self-monitor and see if this philosophy brings me joy.  It can’t hurt and it might bring back some happiness that we all deserve.

Ask me about my book, #theblueprint.  I have exciting news and want to share.  


“I’m sorry to bother you; I know you are so busy.”


“Can I have a hug?“