“Can I have a hug?“

“Can I give you a hug?”

Was it just me or was last week a long month?  Ha! Shock-October had lived up to its name.  

On Saturday, I drove to Austin, Texas to support my marching band in their area contest.  Each year, I gravitate to a different group on my campus and really enjoy being with them.  Last year it was the theater department and this year it is the marching band.  I love the show and love the kids.  They also seem to really enjoy me being with them.  

When I arrived at the stadium, I was carrying a trumpet.  A student had forgotten it.  I went to school and picked it up prior to leaving.  I didn’t think anything of it.  

The kid thanked me profusely for bringing the instrument. I turned and a parent approached me.  She introduced herself as his mother and said, “Can I give you a hug?”

She was relieved to say the least that her son had his instrument.  I turned and whipped away a tear from my eye.  

It had been a week for me.  Her comment and gesture overwhelmed me.  I told her that anyone would have done something similar and smiled.  

This wonderful parent didn’t know the kind of week that I had.  She didn’t know that I was questioning my sanity and my job performance as I drove to the competition that day.  She just wanted to show her gratitude for helping her son.  

I truly appreciated it.  

My message is simple this week.  

You never know what a person is going through.  You never know what a simple gesture will do to inspire or uplift someone.  You simply never know.  

I will look for staff and students that need a hug this week.  It might not be a physical hug but it might be a compliment, a pat on the back, or just time spent with them.  My mission will be to spread kindness, joy, and smiles to as many people as I can.  The world needs so much more of this.

Someone out there needs you this week.  You might know who that person is as you are reading this and if so, I encourage you to connect with them on Monday.  If you are like me and lead a school of 2,450 students and 200 adults, the task is more daunting. They might not stand out,  But they are out there.  I know you will find them.

Have a great week!  


Sometimes the weather is just the weather.


Always, Sometimes, and Never