March Madness - Who are you rooting for?

My friend Darrin Peppard gave his weekly pep talk about rooting for your colleagues. You should follow him on social media @darrinmpeppard if you have yet to see it. It reminded me of a picture that I share around this time each year. The image shows a basketball player celebrating in front of the bench. Take a moment to look at the photo.

#22 has done something worth celebrating, but I focus on the reaction of those who did not make the play. I point out the joy and happiness of the players on the bench and the fans in the crowd.

I found these photos also to illustrate my point.

These pictures scream love and commitment. They fully demonstrate a team and family atmosphere. Everyone in the photo is joyous and happy, and they could not care less about who got the glory. They care for each other.

As leaders, we are all working to develop this commitment.

Education has become very difficult, and the job of a leader is very lonely. Frequently, it seems like we don’t have anyone cheering for us, but people are cheering for us.

I may never know you, but I am cheering for your success. As leaders, we cannot afford to be petty or allow jealousy to creep into our professional lives.

I am lucky to serve in a community that still values public education. The student body I lead is special. The kids are engaged and joyful, which gives me hope for the future. I know the parents and students are cheering for us to succeed.

Miguel is one of those students. He cares deeply for his senior class and the community. He gives and gives and doesn’t ask for anything in return. I am cheering for him.

My challenge this week is simple.

Who are you cheering for?

Who is that one principal, staff member, student, or parent you will champion? Whose success will make you stand up and applaud? What will you do this week to demonstrate that you are in their corner?

I look forward to hearing from you. As always, I am rooting for you.

Have a great week!


It is OK to be OK


Being intentional is not selfish.