Creating Experiences

Everything we do, creates an experience for someone. It is either a memorable one, an enjoyable one, or a disappointing one. Oftentimes, we are able to control how the experience plays out, but there are times when we have to react to the emotions of an individual’s experience.

Emotional experiences are remembered for years. These range from exceptional customer service to a time you felt disrespected. Have you ever asked someone to relive a negative experience? Often, they become so passionate that it is like they are back in that moment.

As a campus leader, it has often been said that when the principal sneezes everyone in the building catches a cold. We have the ability to create memorable experience for teachers, students, and parents on our campus, every day, with every interaction.

Here are four ways I influence the user experience on my campus

1) Walk the walk. As the building leader, you need to be visible, approachable, and positive. I start my morning every day at the parent drop off. I work at a large high school and I still wave, greet, and do my best to start every student’s day off on a positive note.

For the parents that see me each morning, I want them to feel safe leaving their children with me. For the students, my conversations revolve around sports, new haircuts, and new sneakers. It took me a while to realize I was creating an experience for students and parents each morning.

2) Listen to your staff, parents, and students.

The school isn’t named after you as the building principal. The school isn’t yours. The school belongs to the staff, students, and parents. All three have an equal voice in the operation and planning of the school. When you build systems and structures to solicit these voices, you are creating the ownership experience that all schools strive for. Everyone wants to work in an organization that values their opinions.

How are you building opportunities for student, staff, and parent voice ?

3) Do what you say you are going to do!

This summer, I re-read The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz. The first agreement is to be impeccable with your word. I believe this is vital when building a positive experience on your campus. When the building principal does what they say, trust is built on a campus. How many times has a student asked you to look into something? If you say you are going to do something for them, by golly you better follow through. If a teacher asks for something and you promise it, the same holds true. Lastly, parents expect us to be impeccable with our word when we deal with their children.

4) Do something special for someone

Being a teacher or student is very difficult in 2023. It isn’t like when we went to school or when we started teaching. With that in mind, I like to randomly do something nice for teachers and students. My hope is to create an experience that a staff member or student will never forget. This could include a handwritten card, championing a student on social media, or buying a soda or snack to receognize hard work, loyalty, and kindness.

I have heard numerous times from parents that their children have shared with them when I have gone out of my way to acknowledge their child. I have also heard from staff members that other schools do not have administrators that are as approachable, visibile, or positive as we are.

Nothing that I have shared with you is radical or new. In fact, many of us are already doing just what I described. But in combination, these items can help create the experience you desrire for your community.

Thank god NFL, college, and high school football is back. That’s all, and I know you agree.

The music world lost Jimmy Buffett last week. Today, I learned that Texas Country Singer Charlie Robison passed away. I know heaven is having a party now, and the sing along is glorious.

“I’ll see you in Nashville if you ever get out that way. I’ll see you in Austin, but I won’t have long to stay. If you are ever out west son, and you feel like slowing down, I’ll see you around, around my hometown.”

My Hometown.

His song Tonight is also one of my all time favorite songs.

My goal this week is to do two full observations, four 15 minute walk throughs and 10 three to five minute walks. What goals do you have around classroom observations?

Three Random Thoughts

1) “Well, 15 is the minimum amount of flare.”


“Now, its up to you if you want to do the bare minumum, or, like Brian over there, he has 37 pieces of flare and a great smile.”

2) Is GoodFellas one of the best movies ever?

3) Did you know that in San Antonio, Texas, we have had 70 days or more of temperatures over 100? I say that, becuase this week, we are anticipating high temperatures in the mid 90s and this is reason to celebrate. Have you ever done bus duty or parent parking lot duty at 4 PM in 100 degree heat?

Everyone needs a coach. I would love to be your coach. If this speaks to you, please visit my website


“Cleaning up the lemonade.”


“We have to be the best team on campus”